Churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples etc. are typically legally structured as non-profits (if you're not sure whether you are, or if you would like to be, speak to your en•lign representative today!). Regardless of the designation however, organizations must be cognizant of all of the privileges and responsibilities that lay therein, and be certain that they are structured in the most tax appropriate and responsible way. Your spiritual stewardship must be taken seriously and en•lign is here to provide you with a cost effective method to do so.

Pastors often rely on the goodwill of legal or compliance professionals in their congregations when the need arises. While it may appear beneficial in the short term, these types of “freebies” can expose the church to significant risk. Should anything go awry, the church is not covered and you are often left to rely on practitioners who are not subject matter experts (“SME”) as it pertains to your unique issues.

As the day-to-day and month-to-month concerns of most non-profits and/or spiritual organizations do not always involve direct legal concerns, your VGC will be available to provide a variety of Value Add Services, in addition to the legal services outlined in your proposal, which will directly benefit your staff and congregation.

Potential Value Add Services:

  • HR/ Volunteer/ Compliance and Issue Specific Trainings
  • Wills Clinics
  • Expungement Clinics
  • Ask a Lawyer Presentations
  • Explanations/Presentations of Complex Legislation

Speak directly with your VGC to discuss Value Add Services not listed above, which may accommodate your organization best.

“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.
Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Proverbs 31:8-9

We are committed to working with non-profit organizations at a discounted rate, so please don’t forget to ask your en•lign representative about your discount today!