Virtual Compliance Officer & Virtual General Counsel Signature Services

When your organization is too small to justify footing the bill for a full-time compliance officer or in-house counsel, turn to en•lign for the expertise you need. ALL FOR LESS THAN THE COST OF YOUR AVERAGE FTE!

VCO 1.0

We will provide your healthcare company, organization or practice group with a Virtual Compliance Officer (“VCO”), dedicated to ensuring that your organization remains in alignment with all relevant regulatory standards.

VCO 2.0

In addition to including all elements of the VCO 1.0 Service, our VCO 2.0 Service also includes up to 15 hours of compliance related consulting.


In addition to ensuring all relevant compliance obligations are met, your VGC Service also includes up to 10 hours of legal consulting.

Ask about our included Value Add Services:

  • HR/ Volunteer/ Compliance and Issue Specific Trainings
  • Wills Clinics
  • Expungement Clinics
  • Ask a Lawyer Presentations
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